West Michigan Dive Shops

A list of Dive Shops in West Michigan:


7 Responses

  1. Hi Kari—liked your blog—I live in London, Ontario, and was wondering i fyou would like to link up? Get back to me—Kathy for kirkscubagear.com

  2. Gret—what would you like me to put on my site?

    For me:

    Discount Priced Scuba Gear @ kirkscubagear
    Over 200 excellent quality scuba and snorkeling products, discount priced with a manufacturers warranty. Great service!!!!

    I don’t have a banner, but can send you a pic.

    thanks Kathy

  3. hello, When you are in an unfamiliar place, such as a holiday destination, or simply starting your new hobby, you want to be sure you dive with the best people you can.

  4. reply
    is this still an active blog?

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